Atheism is Rationally Unjustified

No justification. Viciously circular. Self-defeating. Yet many “smart and intellectual” atheists advance their “lack of belief in gods.”

The Bible says the fool says in his heart “there is no God.”

Watch this:

Published by Jeff Chavez

Making the learning of Biblical Languages free, normative, enjoyable, and available because we received the gospel freely.

36 thoughts on “Atheism is Rationally Unjustified

    1. So, you are questioning God’s wisdom yet you cannot escape your self-defeating worldview according to the video above?


      1. Jeff, it’s nice to see you can’t answer my question. Alas, I have no “self-defeating worldview”. My worldview is largely based on Epicureanism.

        Atheism is the conclusion that one or more gods don’t exist. It does not inform my worldview other than eliminating one data point. You are an atheist too, so do tell me what this supposed “worldview” is that you claim atheism consists of.


        1. Club, If you believe that God does not exist then you believe that everything happens all by itself. That is obviously absurd and a complete denial of modern science.

          Since modern science proves that everything has a cause, science proves the existence of God. If you can’t grasp that, I will be glad to explain it to you.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Nope, I don’t need to think everything happens by itself. It might, it might not, and still no evidence for poor SOM’s god or any other god.

            Alas, for SOM, modern science shows that there is no god or a need for a god. But I’m sure that he can show this “modern science” that shows his god exists. Right, SOM?

            Modern science does not show that everything has a cause. SOM lies incompetently as usual. I always do love a religion that depends on lies, ignorance and fear to exist.


            1. Club, Your comment is an expression of 100% irrationality. Science is rational, logical. Science proves the existence of God. If you are still on the fence it is because you choose to be irrational. It is that simple.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Club, I explained the evidence in my first comment to you. I then asked if you didn’t understand the evidence I presented you could ask me to clarify. What part of the science that proves the existence of God do you not understand.

                Be specific so I can give you a specific answer.


              2. And SOM *still* can’t show where any of the sciences have shown his god exists. His “first post” was this “Club, If you believe that God does not exist then you believe that everything happens all by itself. That is obviously absurd and a complete denial of modern science.

                Since modern science proves that everything has a cause, science proves the existence of God. If you can’t grasp that, I will be glad to explain it to you.”

                Nothing more than a baseless assertion, as have been all of his other responses. Modern science has shown that not all things need a cause, especially a god like the one SOM worships. No need for some magical being, outside of reality, that needs blood sacrifices, makes part of itself a human, that supposedly has some intellect, cares about the sexual antics of insignificant animals, etc, etc etc.

                This is what Christian willful ignorance leads to, failure since the poor Christian can’t keep up with current research.


      2. atheism isn’t a worldview. My worldview aka philosophy is pretty much Epicureanism. Alas, Christians can’t even show their god exists much less that it is “wise”.

        I do love apologists for an incompetent god whose “design” kills thousands every year.


        1. Club, Atheism is indeed, a worldview. I’ve been to many atheist blogs. You all think alike, are verbally abusive, cannot explain your ideas rationally, and all of your posts are based on logical fallacies and/or “facts” that are false.

          Such a monolithic worldview is hallmark religious fanaticism.

          And here again, you wink God out of existence because he doesn’t do things your way. How silly.


          1. atheism isn’t a worldview. Since youa re also an atheist, do tell me what “worldview” that has given you.

            Unfortunately, SOM has nothing and makes false claims about me and other atheists to try to hide his failure. He cannot show one single logical fallacy I’ve used nor can he show that I’ve offered any false claims.

            It’s wonderful to see SOM try to excuse his incompetent god by insisting that it is perfectly find that this god’s supposed design kills thousands of its supposed chosen species every year. I am quite glad to know that I can design humans better than this god. I guess “my way” is the way to not kill humans.


              1. Atheism isn’t a worldview. it is a conclusion that there are no god or gods. One can be a theist and an atheist at the same time, e.g. “This god exists; that one does not.” so again, dear, what “worldview” has your atheism given you?

                A worldview or philosophy is a set of concepts of how one interacts with the world, humans, etc. For example, my worldview is largely Epicureanism: “Epicureanism argued that pleasure was the chief good in life.[8] Hence, Epicurus advocated living in such a way as to derive the greatest amount of pleasure possible during one’s lifetime, yet doing so moderately in order to avoid the suffering incurred by overindulgence in such pleasure.[8] Emphasis was placed on pleasures of the mind rather than on physical pleasures” -wikipedia

                My conclusions that there are no gods informs my worldview but is not a worldview in and of itself. Other atheists can be nihilists, capitalists, stoics, communists, socialists, christians, jews, etc.

                Again, SOM fails.


    2. Club, God’s existence isn’t dependent on whether or not you agree with the way he designed things. Please, be our guest and go out and design and build a universe of your own. Lead by example so to speak. Obviously, your arguments against the existence of God are beyond silly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do love that you defend your god’s evident incompetence, dear. I don’t need to design a universe to know that “design” that kills humans by the thousands is incompetence from a supposedly “perfect” being.


        1. Club, I did not defend God, I demonstrated that your argument against the existence of God is silly. Instead of responding to my comment, you hallucinate something silly, assign it to me and then expect me to explain your silliness. I will leave explaining your silliness to you.


          1. Yes, SOM, you have defended your god’s evident incompetence. You have presented the argument that your god’s “way” is indeed to kill humans through being stupid enough to create a situation where humans have a good chance of choking to death.

            “And here again, you wink God out of existence because he doesn’t do things your way.”

            My way would not be allowing humans to die for no reason other than incompetent design.


  1. “The Bible says the fool says in his heart “there is no God.” – the Bible says a million things, we cannot take all of them to be our guiding principles. One must have a secular worldview, and go on to adopt a religion that fits his understanding of the cosmos most, you know, that is, if he does want to be part of a religion. Speaking of Christianity, a religion built on love, why does it punish the so-called “fools” ignorant of your deity? Isn’t the lack of forgiveness intrinsically hypocritical?


      1. Ephesians 4:32. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” ( just to give one example of the Bible reinforcing forgiveness ) So the entire premise is conditional. Yes, I will forgive your sins, but only if you adhere to all the rules imposed by this book that contains the fibre of what our religion is SUPPOSED to stand for. And any man who does not goes straight to hell. Surely you see the bias?


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